Hi there!

I'm working on goutube and ring (go utility to build peer-to-peer architecture easily) to optimize the multi-stream protocol. I earlier developed these utilities to help developers build largely-scalable, highly available, fast, secure distributed streaming APIs!

The Multi-stream protocol is a protocol for streaming of the same resource from multiple servers (each server streams a specific portion) to a single client. Read More about this protocol at Goutube README.md.

Useful books

Foundations of Scalable Systems By Ian Gorton and Distributed Services with Go By Travis Jeffery - allowed me to have strong understanding and expertise in building the scalable distributed systems!

Hands-On Microservices with Kubernetes By Gigi Sayfan was worth the time (is a weighty tome) for automating the deployment, scaling, and operations of application containers across clusters of hosts, providing a container-centric infrastructure!