
A product that helps people focus only on tweets from some selected followings without being bothered by ads and recommended tweets from Twitter


  1. Implement Log in system for each user

  2. Every Logged in user can authorize multiple twitter accounts?

3. Add router feature

4. Add a dropdown so users can select if they want to see the most recent 24 hrs, 48 hrs etc tweets from the followings, instead of the 24 hrs by default

5. update reducers to allow modifying the state array (tweet_str_ids)

6. sort tweets chronologically

7. Integrate database

8. Implement Notes which allow users to save some tweets to the repository.

  1. bugs: 1. followers --> remove some --> click 'Tweets'; addFollowingBUlk is called again

10. sometimes the tweets are not displayed in chronological order

  1. implement refresh fuction

  2. support other medias


  1. oauth implementations are from this library

  2. Notification was inspired by this medium article