
A Valet driver that proxies uploads request to the production server. No more syncing your uploads folder.

Primary LanguagePHP

WordPress Proxy Valet Driver

Proxy local /uploads requests to your production server. No more syncing uploads folders.


  1. Install the Valet Driver

    wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/briteweb/wordpress-proxy-valet-driver/master/WordPressProxyValetDriver.php -O ~/.config/valet/Drivers/WordPressProxyValetDriver.php
  2. Enable the driver by adding a file called .uploads-proxy to your sites WP root, containing the URL that you wish to proxy to in .uploads-proxy.

    In the one-liner below, replace https://example.com with your actual production URL.

    echo https://example.com >> .uploads-proxy	
  3. Done!