Wireframes and Design Guide for Geospatial Data Portals

Guidance for developers and designers to increase the discoverability and usefulness of geospatial data through user-focused data portals.



These recommendations are drawn from user research conducted for 'Geo6' Data Discoverability 2 between August and November 2019. The research involved face-to-face interviews with diverse user groups who use data portals. A total of 25 interviews were conducted, representing various organizations and covering six user archetypes: Storytellers and consumers (2 interviews), Strategic leads (3 interviews), Solution innovators (4 interviews), Curious researchers (3 interviews), Geo data engineers (10 interviews), and Non-geo data engineers (3 interviews). The primary objective of these interviews was to gain insights into users' data access requirements, pain points, and priorities regarding usability and data quality. The information collected provided valuable context and insights to inform the Design Guide for Geospatial Data Portals.

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