
Masterserver with web frontend for brixmond monitoring clients

Primary LanguagePHP

#Masterserver for brixmond

Brixmond is a server monitoring solution focused on monitoring a lot of on-premise servers from different customers running as hypervisor and a series of virtual machines inside that, all running behind a NAT.

The way this is archived is by making the clients on the on-premise servers send their data on intervals to the master server over HTTP instead of making the master server poll the servers over a custom protocol. This makes monitoring a lot of Linux instances behind a NAT possible without any port forwarding and even behind a http proxy.

The clients that need to be installed are using only python 3 (3.4 or higher recommended) and packages available with python-pip.

The masterserver is a PHP application build with symfony 2.6 and requires a mysql server for storage.

The code and installation instructions for the client is available in its own repository


  • Monitors load, cpu usage, memory usage, swap, various network stats and disk usage
  • Monitors webservers (only apache for now)
  • Uses audit information from lynis
  • Notifies admins with pushover.net or email
  • Translated in english and dutch
  • User configurable "watches" used to generate notifications for admins

To be implemented:

  • Support for nginx in webserver monitoring
  • Support for varnish monitoring
  • Support for logging systemd units (notify on failed units)
  • Add failover wan in network graph
  • Ping edge routers to check for internet provider failure


Masterserver installation

# Clone the git repository
$ git clone https://github.com/BrixIT/Brixmond-server.git
$ cd Brixmond-server
# Install the composer dependencies
$ composer install
# Answer the questions in the installation wizard
$ bower install
# Create and fill the database
$ php app/console doctrine:database:create
$ php app/console doctrine:schema:update --force
# Create the admin user to log in on the webinterface
$ php app/console fos:user:create --super-admin