

Primary LanguagePython

E Trade System RestAPI (Django)

API project developed with django rest framework covering all the features of an e-commerce system


  • User Authentication System ( Login,Register etc. with JWT)
  • Throttle System for Cyber Security (Bruteforce Attacks etc.)
  • Seller and Customer System
  • Cart System
  • Order System (With Payment (Credit Card))
  • Product System
  • Favorite Product System
  • Product Comment System

Tech Stack

Server: Django, Rest Framework

Run Locally

Clone the project

  git clone https://github.com/Brktrlw/E-trade-With-RestAPI

Go to the project directory

  cd E-trade-With-RestAPI/core

Create Virtual Env

  python -m venv env

Install dependencies

  pip install -r requirements.txt

Start the server

  python3 manage.py runserver


Cart System
API Description Parameters Auth
POST /addtocart/<productSlug> Add product to cart amount X
DEL /reducetocart/<productSlug> Reduce product's amount from cart amount X
DEL /deletetoproduct/<productSlug> Delete product from cart X
PUT /updatecart/<productSlug> Update product's amount from cart amount X
GET /list/ List user's cart items X

Comment System
API Description Parameters Auth
GET /list/<productSlug> List comments' by product
POST /create/<productSlug> Add comment to product comment X
DEL /delete/<unique_id> Delete comment from product X
UPDATE /update/<unique_id> Update comment comment X

Order System
API Description Parameters Auth
POST /create/ Create order addressId,payment X
GET /list/ List user's orders X
GET /detail/<unique_id> List order detail X

User System
API Description Parameters Auth
POST /register/ User Register username,password,password2,email,first_name,last_name,isCustomer
POST /token/ User Login username,password
POST /refresh/ Refresh Token refresh
DEL /delete/ User Delete

Favorites System
API Description Parameters Auth
GET /list/ List favorites' product of user X
POST /add/ Add product to Favorites productSlug X
POST /delete/<favoriteObjectPK> Delete product from Favorites X

Product System
API Description Parameters Auth
GET /all/ List all products
GET /cat/<categorySlug> List product by category
GET /detail/<productSlug> Detail product page
POST /create/ Create product name,description,price,category,draft X
DEL /delete/<productSlug> Delete product X
PUT /detail/<productSlug> Update product name,description,price,category,draft X

Seller System
API Description Parameters Auth
GET /update/ List seller profile data X
PUT /update/ List product by category companyName,phone,website X

Comment Like System
API Description Parameters Auth
GET /commentlike/list/<unique_id> List likes of comment
POST /commentlike/create Like a comment unique_id X
DEL /commentlike/delete/<pk> Delete like from comment X


If you have any feedback, please reach out to us at berkaygithub@protonmail.ch
