
Control your server with a website display (simplified & flat design)

Primary LanguageJava


Control your server with a website display (simplified & flat design)

Configuration Setup (First Step)

  • Download WebConsole.jar
  • Upload to your server plugin folder (plugins/)
  • Start server and stop it
  • Edit your config file in (plugins/WebConsole/config.yml)

    Example config: (for http://example.com:80/tes/mc)
domain: http://example.com #Set your webconsole listen domain
port: 80 #Set your webconsole port listen
path: 'tes/mc' #Set yor webconsole path (Based on WebConsole Setup)
isSecure: false #true -> if you are using https://example.com
version: 1.0 #No change required

WebConsole Setup (Last Step)

  • Download webconsole.zip
  • Upload to your website path (this will be your path config)
  • Edit config at config/config.php (Change anything based on your server)
  • All done! Start your server and test it.



Useful links