- 0
What is "file_id"?
#25 opened by rysi3k - 0
Update hub overview with team one screenshots
#7 opened by joncodo - 0
- 1
- 1
- 1
Check all the links in all the docs
#2 opened by joncodo - 1
hubUrl set to the wrong value?
#13 opened by ssaloisbellerose - 1
Error expected on POST to<appName>/<username>/auth
#14 opened by ssaloisbellerose - 1
- 1
The documentation should explain CORS
#16 opened by ssaloisbellerose - 0
The doc does not indicate how the auth is passed in the notifications request
#17 opened by ssaloisbellerose - 1
The doc does not explain that the left side pane gets its content from the default route
#18 opened by ssaloisbellerose - 1
Clarify the Push Notification
#19 opened by ssaloisbellerose - 1
The sample app makes it seems like the notifications request contains the hubLoginToken as a URL param
#20 opened by ssaloisbellerose - 1
- 1
Clarify the username
#21 opened by ssaloisbellerose - 1
Clicking twice on the "create" button to create a bot creates two bots with the same name
#23 opened by ssaloisbellerose - 0
Move to ihs and not
#12 opened by joncodo - 0
Hyperlinks for each section of the docs.
#11 opened by joncodo - 0
- 0
Bot sessions expiring
#5 opened by joncodo - 0
- 0
How to handle images as messages with t1 bots
#3 opened by joncodo