
Messages module for the WebRTC SDK.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Displays messages for call events and states.

Namespace : bdsft_webrtc.default.messages

Dependencies : SIP Stack


Element Type Description
messageAlert div Displays an alert message.
messageConnected div Displays the messageConnected configuration.
messageConnecting div Displays the messageConnecting configuration.
messageConnectionFailed div Displays the messageConnectionFailed configuration.
messageFailed div Displays the messageFailed configuration replacing {0} with the cause of the failure.
messageNormal div Displays an informational message.
messageRegistered div Displays the messageRegistered configuration.
messageRegistering div Displays the messageRegistering configuration.
messageRegistrationNotFound div Displays the messageRegistrationNotFound configuration.
messageRegistrationWrongPassword div Displays the messageRegistrationWrongPassword configuration.
messageSuccess div Displays a success message.
messageUnregistered div Displays the messageUnregistered configuration.
messageUnregistering div Displays the messageUnregistering configuration.
messageWarning div Displays a warning message.


Property Type Default Description
enableMessages boolean true True if message display is enabled.
messageCall string Performing NAT Tests Message when an outgoing call has been placed.
messageConnected string Connected Message when the websocket connected to the WRS.
messageConnecting string Connecting to WRS… Message when the websocket is being connected to the WRS.
messageConnectionFailed string Connection failed Message when the websocket could not connect to the WRS.
messageEnded string Call Ended Message when a call has ended.
messageFailed string Call Failed : {0} Message when a call has failed. The {0} will be replace with the cause of the failure.
messageGetUserMedia string Unable to Access Camera and/or Microphone Message when the user's camera and/or video could not be accessed.
messageHold string Call placed on hold Message when a call has been placed on hold.
messageIncomingCall string Incoming Call Message on an incoming call.
messageProgress string Ringing Message when incoming call is waiting for answer.
messageRegistered string Registration successful Message when authentication was successful and the user is registered.
messageRegistering string Registering… Message when currently registering.
messageRegistrationNotFound string Registration : Not Found Message when the userid was wrong.
messageRegistrationWrongPassword string Registration : Wrong Password Message when the password was wrong.
messageResume string Call removed from hold Message when a call has been removed from hold.
messageStarted string Call Started Message when a call has started.
messageUnregistered string Unregistered Message when the user was signed out and is not registered anymore.
messageUnregistering string Unregistering… Message when currently unregistering


Method Parameters Description
alert(text) text : string to display Displays an alert message with the text passed in.
normal(text) text : string to display Displays a normal message with the text passed in.
success(text) text : string to display Displays a success message with the text passed in.
warning(text) text : string to display Displays a warning message with the text passed in.