
Video module for the WebRTC SDK

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Handles the video media flow using a local and remote <video> element.

Namespace : bdsft_webrtc.default.video

Dependencies : Full Screen, SIP Stack


Filename Key Description
videobg.svg videobg The background image on the remote video when not on a call.


Element Type Description
local video Displays the local video.
remote video Displays the remote video.


Property Type Description
hasLocal boolean True if the local peer is sending a video stream.
hasRemote boolean True if the remote peer is sending a video stream.
localStream object The object for the local stream. Setting it to null will end the local video.
remoteStream object The object for the remote stream. Setting it to null will end the remote video.
showRemote boolean True if the remote video element is visible.
showLocal boolean True if the local video element is visible.


Property Type Default Description
displayResolution string 640x480 The display resolution of the remote video.
enableSelfView boolean true True the self view is enabled.
selfViewLocation string bl / br / tl / tr The location of the self view – bottom left / bottom right / top left / top right
selfViewSize string 1x / 2x The size of the self view – normal size / doubled size


Method Parameters Description
isMediaFlowing(streams) streams : localStream or remoteStream True if all tracks of the stream are in readyState = live.