
Can't get configuration if the user's profile only has one device type

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If someone configures Phone for Chrome as the primary device on a user profile with no other devices configured, then the configuration of Phone for Chrome fails on login. A simple workaround is to add a secondary device -- SCA -- to the user's profile.

The problem is found in the getChromeDevice service function -- probably due to the fact that when only one device is found on the profile, BroadWorks doesn't return an array of objects?

service.getChromeDevice = function(){
  var defer = $q.defer();
  var apiName = '/profile/device';

  console.log('inside getChromeDevice');{
    $http.get($rootScope.xsp + '/com.broadsoft.xsi-actions/v2.0/user/' + $rootScope.username + apiName)
        _.each(response.AccessDevices.accessDevice, function(device){
          var deviceType = (typeof device.deviceType !== 'undefined') ? device.deviceType.$ : '';
          if(deviceType === chromePhoneDeviceType){