
.NET library for valid and usable IP:Port proxy list discovery. Supports customization, filtering and proxy availability checks.

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.NET library for valid and usable IP:Port proxy list discovery.

This project was created under inspiration of the ProxySharp package and dedicated to obtain lists of proxies from different locations, not only hardcoded ones, to give the user control of which exactly proxies they want and to check if the proxies are really operational in real time.


  • Customization of every step of getting proxy list: downloading from different sources with their own parsing rules.
  • Proxy list filtering: SSL, Google support, port range, server location.
  • Embedded templates for several well-known proxy list sources.
  • Proxy availability testing for the result list to be not only a list of ip:port values, but list of something which is working right now.


Proxy list sources

Each website of another source of proxy list uses different text format which needs to be parsed in different way. The package is separated into levels of service to control each step.

The lowest level is IProxyListSource which obtains the proxy list in raw text form by downloading from URL, loading a file and so on. IProxyListParser implementation transform raw text data into list of ProxyInformation which is usable. These two things are combined in CompositeProxyProvider, implementation of IProxyListProvider. For the proxy list sources which don't use "load-parse" chain, the user can use their own implementation.

Embedded proxy list providers

Class BrokenEvent.ProxyDiscovery.WellKnown contains templates for some well-known proxy sources. You may use their parts or just *ProxyProvider members to get list or proxies from one or another server.

You can use it just as simple:

foreach (ProxyInformation proxy in BrokenEvent.ProxyDiscovery.WellKnown.FreeProxyProvider.GetProxies())

or use its TAP variant:

foreach (ProxyInformation proxy in await BrokenEvent.ProxyDiscovery.WellKnown.FreeProxyProvider.GetProxiesAsync(CancellationToken.None))

This will get you list of IP:Port proxies.

Custom proxy list sources

To create your own proxy list source you may combine proxy list acquisiting with parsing:

public const string FreeProxiesUrl = "https://free-proxy-list.net/";

public static readonly IProxyListSource FreeProxiesSource = new WebProxyListSource(FreeProxiesUrl);

public static readonly IProxyListParser FreeProxiesParser = new HtmlProxyListParser
  ProxyTablePath = "//table[@id='proxylisttable']/tbody/tr",
  IpPath = "td[1]",
  PortPath = "td[2]",
  IsHttpPath = "td[7]",
  CountryPath = "td[4]",
  GooglePassedPath = "td[6]"

public static readonly CompositeProxyProvider FreeProxyProvider = new CompositeProxyProvider(FreeProxiesSource, FreeProxiesParser);

(fragment of WellKnown class)

Advanced example

To create an automated fully-featured proxy list downloader, you should use ProxyDiscovery class.

ProxyDiscovery discovery = new ProxyDiscovery
  Providers = // setup proxy providers, embedded or your own
  Filters = // setup filters to get only the proxies you want, optional
    new HttpsFilter()
  Checker = // setup the proxy checker and the URL you want to use for check against, optional
    new ProxyChecker { TargetUrl = "https://brokenevent.com", Timeout = 1000 },

// callback is called when the proxy discovery determines state of a proxy - working or not
// you can use this because the update process with availability check may take up to several minutes (on long lists)
// but this callback will be called in real time during Update
discovery.ProxyCheckComplete += s =>
  if (s.Result == ProxyCheckResult.OK)

// update proxy list and perform all the necessary operations
await discovery.Update(CancellationToken.None);

// or instead of using ProxyCheckComplete you may just wait until the Update completes
foreach (ProxyState state in discovery.Proxies)

The project BrokenEvent.ProxyDiscovery.Tester contains complete usage example.