
ZMK keyboard firmware shield for Lak

MIT LicenseMIT

ZMK Config for Lak

ZMK keyboard firmware shield for Lak

Lak Photo

What is zmk-lak?

This repository defines and builds ZMK keyboard firmware for the Lak keyboard shield with nice!nano V1 and V2.

How do I use this firmware?

Ready-to-flash firmware files for nice!nanos, V1 and V2, can be downloaded from the latest build on the GitHub "Actions" tab above. To flash the firmware onto your nice!nano, follow the Flashing, Firmware, and Bootloaders section of the nice!nano docs.

The default keymap is a simple QWERTY keymap, which is useful for verifying the wiring of the keyboard. To customise the keymap to your liking, fork this repo and modify config/lak.keymap in your repo. If you've not made a ZMK keymap before, be sure to check out the ZMK Keymaps & Behaviours docs. When you commit and push your changes, GitHub will then build your ready-to-flash firmware in the GitHub "Actions" tab of your own repo.

Please refer to the ZMK docs if necessary (the troubleshooting section can be particularly helpful).