
Known working YAGSL Configs for COTS swerve modules.


Known working YAGSL Configs for COTS swerve modules.

How to use?

  1. Find a known working configuration for your COTS module.
  2. Modify the absolute encoder offsets, id's, encoder typs, and gyro types.
  3. View the documentation, if lost on JSON configuration look here, if you want to learn how to do something look at the feature list, for all other resources look here.
  4. Enjoy a working code base.

NOTE: YAGSL-Example's default driving mode is meant to test the swerve drive, the left stick controls the translation and right controls the orientation using the gyroscope. All modes default to field orientated.

Currently Supported COTS Modules

  • Swerve Drive Specialties
    • MK4
    • MK4i