
The weekend tasks from Week 2

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Recap Week 2

Use the files in each task's corresponding folder to complete the following activities.

Remember to break down each task, make a plan before you code, and commit often using meaningful commit messages!

Task 1

👉 Write a function called makeLegend, which takes in a name (string) as its only argument. The function should return a new string which includes the name plus the words 'is now a legend.'. For example, if the name given was 'Chris', the function would return the string 'Chris is now a legend.'.

👉 Using a for loop and the makeLegend function, create a new array which includes 'is now a legend' for each item. Save this new array to the variable legendaryCelebs.

👉 Use another for loop to produce a new array of all of the celebrity names which start with a vowel, and store that new array in a new variable called vowelCelebs.

Task 2

Click for hints if you get stuck

👉 In the task-2 index.html, there is a p tag (with an id of count) that displays a count. Ensure the count displays 0 when the page loads and then, using setInterval, have it increment by 1 every second.

👉 Stop the above interval from incrementing after 12 seconds have passed using the clearInterval function. So 12 should be the last count displayed on the page.

⚠️ Try using textContent to change the text in the p tag. Read this article for more details.

Task 3

Click for hints if you get stuck

For this task, you'll be using the Cat API to get image URLs.

👉 Using fetch, get a random cat image URL using the API URL: https://api.thecatapi.com/v1/images/search

👉 Once you have retrieved your image URL, display the image on the page using the img element provided (with id of cat-here). A different picture should be displayed every time you reload the page.

👉 Using JavaScript, create a button element and add it to the page. Add an event listener to the button so that, when you click the button, a new image is displayed.

⭐ Bonus

Use the task-4 folder for these.

👉 On your HTML page, you will see an input field and an 'Add To List' button. Declare a new variable, importantThings, as an empty array. Using JavaScript, configure the website so that when you write something in the input field and click the Add To List button, a new item is added to the importantThings array.

👉 As well as adding the item to the in-memory array, now display each added item in an li element within the ordered list.

👉 Add a new label and input field element to your index.html file. This input field represents the priority value of your important thing, and should take in a number. Refactor your code so that, when you click your Add To List button, you add an object to your array, rather than a string value. For example: let importantThings = [{text: 'telephone mother', priority: 1}].

👉 Add a new button to your site called Order List. When the button is clicked, reorder your list by priority.

⭐ Bonus Bonus

🎉 For the makeLegend function from Task 1, refactor it to check that you were handed a string - if you weren't, then return 'A legend requires a string'

⭐ Bonus Bonus Bonus

🎉 Style your pages with CSS!


Task 2

Think about using document.querySelector to access the p tag. How would you track the seconds?

Task 3

Remember fetch returns you a promise. You always await a promise. To use await, you must be in an async function.

You can set the src attribute of the img just like you would set the textContent of a p element

You already have a function which grabs new images and updates the image shown on the page. Link this to the button through addEventListener