LivebookUtils is an experimental collection of utility tasks and modules that make managing a complex Livebook project easier.
We use this library at DockYard Academy and LiveView Native Guides and are in between migrating tasks and modules from those projects into this project.
Add the dependency to your project's mix path.
def deps do
{:livebook_utils, "~> 0.1.0"}
Configure project environment variables in your dev.exs
the path to the index file that contains links to all project notebooks in order."notebooks_path
the path to the folder that contains all project notebooks. Currently, we only support one flat folder, but hope to support multiple folders in the future.
# Livebook Utils Configuration
config :livebook_utils,
index_path: "guides/index.livemd",
notebooks_path: "guides"
assumes you have an index file. This file should contain links to all of your notebooks in chronological order.
For example
* [Book 1](book1.livemd)
* [Book 2](book2.livemd)
* [Book 3](book3.livemd)
These links may be in any format or order as long as they match the regular expression we use to find links.