2020 Schedule

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Date Subject Speaker(s) Venue
01/16/2020 Lambda on Digital Ocean Brooks Patton Code Talent
02/20/2020 Why Johnny Can't Code: An Evening of Rants about Education with Kyle Coberly Kyle Coberly Code Talent
03/19/2020 TBD TBD Code Talent
04/16/2020 TBD Brian Schiller Code Talent
05/21/2020 Node.js and Nginx Kim Schesinger TBD Code Talent
06/18/2020 TBD Casey Herold Code Talent
07/16/2020 TBD TBD Code Talent
08/20/2020 TBD TBD Code Talent
09/17/2020 TBD TBD, Code Talent
10/15/2020 TBD TBD, Code Talent
11/19/2020 TBD TBD, Code Talent
12/17/2020 TBD TBD, Code Talent