A Dumb wrapper for redux 💚 redux-observable 💚 react-redux 💚 redux-actions 💚 injection-js
- 🚀 Less boilerplate codes
- 🦄 No magic string
Action Types
- 💚 Type Safe, typecheck in Payload
- ⛏ Go to definition, go to your Reducer/Epics with one click
- 🖇 Easy to intergrate into existed redux-observable or other redux middlewares
but which more important is:
yarn add redux redux-observable rxjs redux-actions react-redux
yarn add redux-epics-decorator
Use yarn && yarn start
to play with it.
// module.ts
import { Action } from 'redux-actions'
import { ActionsObservable } from 'redux-observable'
import { Observable } from 'rxjs'
import { exhaustMap, takeUntil } from 'rxjs/operators'
import { generateMsg, Msg } from '../service'
import { EffectModule, Module, Effect, Reducer, ModuleActionProps, DefineAction } from 'redux-epics-decorator'
export interface StateProps {
currentMsgId: string | null
allMsgs: Msg[]
export class Module1 extends EffectModule<StateProps> {
readonly defaltState: StateProps = {
currentMsgId: null,
allMsgs: []
@DefineAction('dispose') dispose: Observable<void>
success: (state: StateProps, { payload }: Action<Msg>) => {
const { allMsgs } = state
return { ...state, allMsgs: allMsgs.concat([payload!]) }
getMsg(action$: Observable<void>) {
return action$.pipe(
exhaustMap(() => generateMsg().pipe(
map(this.createAction('success')), // up in Effect Decorator
// dispatch a normal Redux Action
// intergrate to your existed redux system
type: 'notification',
payload: {
type: 'success',
msg: '✨ Get message success!'
selectMsg(state: StateProps, { payload }: Action<string>) {
return { ...state, currentMsgId: payload }
export type DispatchProps = ModuleActionProps<Module1>
// container.tsx
import { Module1, StateProps, DispatchProps } from './module'
interface OtherProps {
price: number
count: number
type Props = StateProps & OtherProps & DispatchProps
const mapStateToProps = (state: GlobalState): StateProps => ({
price: otherModule.price,
count: otherModule.count,
class YourComponent extends React.PureComponent<Props> {
// your codes ...
render() {
// this is same to this.props.dispatch({ type: 'Module1/getMsg' })
this.props.getMsg() // () => Action<void>, type safe here
return (
<div />
export connect(Module1)(mapStateToProps)(YourComponent)
// store
import { combineModuleEpics, combineModuleReducers, createEpicMiddleware } from 'redux-epics-decorator'
import { StateProps as YourComponentStateProps, Module1 } from './yourcomponent/module'
interface GlobalState {
yourcomponent: YourComponentStateProps
const rootEpic = combineEpics(
// other normal epics from redux-observable
const rootReducer = combineReducers({
module1: Module1,
module2: Module2,
module3: Module3,
// other normal reducers from redux-actions
other1: otherReducers1,
other2: otherReducers2,
const epicMiddleware = createEpicMiddleware()
export default store = createStore<GlobalState>(rootReducer, compose<any>(
Please read Docs and recipe