POSIX-compliant file indexer

1. Purpose

This project was developed as part of my education in the field of C-programs for unix-like systems. Its main goal is to traverse the file tree in a specified directory and scan for files of strictly defined types. The program does create a dictionary-like structure, however it is not efficient or optimised. The project does not focus on any advanced data structures, in fact, this aspect is completely omitted and neglected.

2. Prerequisites

  • linux or unix-like environment (pthread)
  • bash-like command tool
  • gcc
  • it works well in WSL

3. Installation

cd proj_folder


Some linkers will throw errors because of the -lpthread flag. If that is happening in your case as well, try this command:

gcc -o mole -std=gnu99 -Wall -lm mole.c priority_queue.c globals.c index.c stack.c -lpthread 

placing the -lpthread flag at the end should do the trick.
If there are still some errors try substituting -lpthread with -pthread.

4. Usage

Start the indexing program with:
mole -d <directory> [-f <index-file>] [-t <time interval for periodic indexing>]

If -d is not specified, the program will use the path from environmental variable $MOLE_DIR. If neither the variable and -d are provided, the program ends with an error.

If -f is not specified, the program will use the file from environmental variable $MOLE_INDEX_PATH. In case neither the variable and -f are specified, the index-file location will be set to ~/mole-index.

If -t is not specified, then the periodic indexing is off.

During the word of the mole use these commands:
index - initiate indexing procedure
exit - finishes ongoing word, saves progress and quits
exit! - quits abruptly
largerthan <number> - lists files larger than <number
count - lists the amount of files of recognisable types that are in the index
namepart <string> - lists the files which name consists the <string>
owner <uid> - lists the files that are owned by user <uid>