
A docker container for running .NET projects with the Telerik reporting packages

Primary LanguageDockerfileMIT LicenseMIT

The Telerik reporting packages require additional libraries to be present on the system.

This repository provides a container, starting from the dotnet sdk, with those additional libraries installed. This is useful if you want to mount your local volumes while developing.

A tagged image is currently hosted in GitHub Packages.

Updating repository image:

Create a Personal Access token on GitHub with access to write:packages and delete:packages.

Store it in the variable $GH_DOCKER_PAT.

Log in to the ghcr.io repository.

echo $GH_DOCKER_PAT | docker login ghcr.io -u USERNAME --password-stdin

Build the image

docker build -t broughton-software/dotnet-telerik .

Tag the image (in addition to latest, give it a number -- e.g. 5.0 for .NET 5, 6.0 for .NET 6, etc.)

docker tag broughton-software/dotnet-telerik:latest ghcr.io/broughton-software-ltd/dotnet-telerik:latest

Push to GitHub Packages

docker push ghcr.io/broughton-software-ltd/dotnet-telerik:latest