
a inventory-menu library for dragonfly, with simplicity in mind

Primary LanguageGoApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


The Inv library allows the use of inventory menus, providing tools to create or send fake inventories.

Creating an Inventory Menu

To create an inventory menu using the Inv library, follow these steps:

Place Fake Chest: Use the inv.PlaceFakeContainer function to place a fake chest, essential for the library to function properly.

// Only run this once, after server start.
inv.PlaceFakeContainer(myWorld, cube.Pos{x, y, z})

Handle Player Packets: inv requires you to use the RedirectPlayerPackets on player join which makes it possible for the library to handle incoming player packets, mostly use to handle container closing.

// The 'p' variable represents the targeted player.

Create Menu Submittable: Your menu requires a menu submittable, here's an example:

type MySubmittable struct{}

func (m MySubmittable) Submit(p *player.Player, it item.Stack) {
	fmt.Println("Submitted", it)

func (m MySubmittable) Close(p *player.Player) {

Create Menu: Use the inv.NewMenu to create a new inventory menu.

m := inv.NewMenu(MySubmittable{}, "test", inv.ContainerTypeChest)

Populate Menu Slots: Provide the menu with a item.Stack slice:

var stacks = make([]item.Stack, 27)
for i := 0; i < 27; i++ {
    stacks[i] = item.NewStack(block.StainedGlass{Colour: item.ColourRed()}, 1)
m = m.WithStacks(stacks...)

Sending the Menu to a Player To display the inventory menu to a player, use the inv.SendMenu function. Here's an example:

// The 'p' variable represents the targeted player.
inv.SendMenu(p, m)

This code sends the inventory menu to the specified player.