
A go based web crawler and asset discoverer. WIP

Primary LanguageGo


A go based web crawler and asset discoverer. Currently a WIP

A project made for me to learn golang


If you appreciate what I do please help


  1. git clone https://github.com/iamSm9l/Wriggle.git
  2. cd Wriggle
  3. chmod +x install.sh
  4. sudo ./install.sh


wriggle -w <FILE>
-w <FILE> : Specificy a list of domains in scope, one per line. Note: do not right '*.domain.com' just write 'domain.com' 
-b <FILE> : Specificy a list of domains not in scope, one per line 
-t <number> : Set the max timeout (in seconds) for connecting to a URL, default 20 seconds
-s <FILE> : Specifiy the name of the subdomain output file, default is 'subDomainsOf' + time of scan
-u <FILE> : Specifiy the name of the URL output file, default is 'URLsOf' + time of scan
-j <FILE> : Specifiy the name of the JS output file, default is 'JSfilesOf' + time of scan
-4 <FILE> : Specifiy the name of the 404 output file, default is '404FilesOf' + time of scan
-v : verbose mode, not advisiable unless you love spam
-h : Display this help page


wriggle -w domains.txt -b outOfScope.txt

  • where domains.txt is a file with a new domain on each line
  • where outOfScope.txt is a file of any subdomains out of scope, Eg admin.domain.com. Also one per line

An example of both files can be seen in the examples folder


  • Get values from Href tags from html
  • deals with relative paths
  • Checks for scope
  • Recursion
  • Output options
  • Subdomain identification
  • Final report
  • Colours / nice formatting
  • opposite of verbose mode
  • program timer
  • JS file identification

Features to add:

  • Threading
  • option not to output to file

Obvious legal points

  • only use this tool against authorised targets
  • Check the scope for the use of automated tools
  • use ethically and legally
  • etc