
D8 Module to integrate react applications into pages.

Primary LanguagePHP

Brown D8React Integration

Brown D8React Integration is a Drupal 8 module for handling the insertion of compiled react applications.


Using Composer, Add the repository:

  "type": "vcs",
  "url": "git@bitbucket.org:webserv/brown-d8react-integration.git"

and require the module:

"require": {
  "webserv/brown-d8react-integration": "dev-master"

Run composer install, and the module will be available to be enabled via the Drupal interface.


Inserting an App

  1. Add a new Basic Page content type.
  2. In the section Below Content Components in the dropdown, select Add React App
  3. In the React Apps dropdown, select the name of the app.
  4. Save the page, and the React App will render in the Below Content Components block.

Adding a new App

  1. Compile the app down to a single .js file
  2. Add the app to the /apps directory

Note: The .js filename will be used as the ID of the DIV that the app is rendered in, as well as the entry in the select menu with - converted to spaces, and individual words capitalized.

Example: todo-app.js needs to be looking for <div id='todo-app'></div> as its base div, and will display in the menu as Todo App