
Python script to grab now playing album art and display it

Primary LanguagePython

Spotify Now Playing Album Art Display

This Python script displays the current playing album art from Spotify on a 4:3 monitor (or led matrix see below) connected to a Raspberry Pi. It uses the Spotify API to fetch the currently playing track and retrieves the album art associated with it. If no track is currently playing, it will display a random album art from the previously played tracks. I used cloudflared tunnel to forward my subdomain that i used to create the spotify app to the raspberry pi, then use local redirect uri.

rename the script you want to use to SpotifyAlbumArt.py

there is a script which you can use to make install easier just;

vi install.sh


copy script over from https://github.com/Brownster/SpotifyAlbumArt.py/blob/main/install.sh


chmod +x install.sh


HDMI Spotify Album Art


Python 3.6 or later
Raspberry Pi with a 4:3 monitor
Cloudflared for tunneling  - https://developers.cloudflare.com/cloudflare-one/connections/connect-networks/get-started/


The script that uses HDMI uses several Python libraries. You can install them via pip:


pip install spotipy pip install requests pip install Pillow

Spotify API

You need to have a Spotify Developer account and create an app to get the client_id and client_secret. Also, set the redirect_url in the Spotify Developer Dashboard. Replace 'XXXXXXXX', 'XXXXXXXXXXX',


Clone the repository:


git clone https://github.com/Brownster/SpotifyAlbumArt.py.git

Navigate to the repository folder:


cd SpotifyAlbumArt

Replace the placeholders for client_id, client_secret, and redirect_url in the script with your actual Spotify app credentials.

Run the script:


python3 SpotifyAlbumArt.py

Spotify Album Art Display on RGB LED Matrix

This project displays the current Spotify album art on an RGB LED matrix using a Raspberry Pi. It utilizes the Spotify API to fetch the current playing song's album art and displays it on the LED matrix. Requirements

Raspberry Pi
RGB LED Matrix - https://thepihut.com/products/rgb-full-colour-led-matrix-panel-2-5mm-pitch-64x64-pixels
Internet connection to access the Spotify API


Pillow (PIL Fork)


  1. Clone the Repository


git clone git clone https://github.com/Brownster/SpotifyAlbumArt.py.git cd SpotifyAlbumArt

  1. Install Python Dependencies


pip install -r requirements.txt

  1. Install the RGB Matrix Library


cd ~ git clone https://github.com/hzeller/rpi-rgb-led-matrix.git cd rpi-rgb-led-matrix make cd bindings/python make build-python sudo make install-python

  1. Permissions

To run the script without needing root permissions:


cd ~/rpi-rgb-led-matrix/utils sudo ./install-service.sh

  1. Restart the Raspberry Pi


sudo reboot

Usage Set Spotify Credentials

Open SpotifyAlbumArt.py and set your Spotify client_id, client_secret, and redirect_url. Run the Script


python3 SpotifyAlbumArt.py


You can adjust the size of the LED matrix and other parameters within the SpotifyAlbumArt.py file to fit your specific hardware setup. Contributing

Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change. License