Cucumber Java Browserstack

Cucumber-TestNG Cucumber-JUnit4 Cucumber-JUnit5

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Cucumber JVM Integration with BrowserStack.

Using Maven

Run sample build

  • Clone the repository
  • Replace YOUR_USERNAME and YOUR_ACCESS_KEY with your BrowserStack access credentials in browserstack.yml.
  • Install dependencies mvn compile
  • To run the test suite having cross-platform with parallelization, run mvn test -P sample-test
  • To run local tests, run mvn test -P sample-local-test
  • To view Allure Reports, run allure serve target/allure-results

Understand how many parallel sessions you need by using our Parallel Test Calculator

Integrate your test suite

  • Install dependencies mvn compile
  • Create sample browserstack.yml file with the browserstack related capabilities with your BrowserStack Username and Access Key and place it in your root folder.
  • Add maven dependency of browserstack-java-sdk in your pom.xml file
  • Modify your build plugin to run tests by adding argLine -javaagent:${com.browserstack:browserstack-java-sdk:jar} and maven-dependency-plugin for resolving dependencies in the profiles sample-test and sample-local-test.

Migrate from Vanilla Cucumber to use Testng Runner

  • If you are using Vanilla Cucumber CLI, you can migrate to use TestNG Runner with BrowserStack using the below command :
mvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeGroupId=com.browserstack -DarchetypeArtifactId=cucumber-testng-archetype -DarchetypeVersion=1.0 -DgroupId=com.browserstack -DartifactId=cucumber-testng-archetype -Dversion=1.0 -DinteractiveMode=false

Using Gradle

Run sample build

  • Clone the repository
  • Install dependencies gradle build
  • To run the test suite having cross-platform with parallelization, run gradle sampleTest
  • To run local tests, run gradle sampleLocalTest

Understand how many parallel sessions you need by using our Parallel Test Calculator

Integrate your test suite

  • Install dependencies gradle build
  • Following are the changes required in -
    • Add compileOnly 'com.browserstack:browserstack-java-sdk:latest.release' in dependencies
    • Fetch Artifact Information and add jvmArgs property in tasks SampleTest and SampleLocalTest :
    def browserstackSDKArtifact = configurations.compileClasspath.resolvedConfiguration.resolvedArtifacts.find { == 'browserstack-java-sdk' }
    task sampleTest(type: Test) {
      useTestNG() {
        dependsOn cleanTest
        useDefaultListeners = true
        suites "config/sample-test.testng.xml"
        jvmArgs "-javaagent:${browserstackSDKArtifact.file}"
