Spectrum is a dark and light theme for Obsidian.md, a note taking app. Spectrum is meant to be easy on the eyes and boost productivity, but also to not bore your mind by using colours here and there.
Go check out the Wiki to see what features this theme has.
➡️ https://github.com/Braweria/Spectrum/wiki
Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check issues page. You can also take a look at the forum thread.
You want to contribute financially? Sure! You can tip me whatever amount onf Ko-Fi:
git clone https://github.com/Braweria/Spectrum.git
cd Spectrum
npm install
For development:
yarn dev
For building:
yarn build
👩💻 Wiktoria Mielcarek
- Website: https://braweria.de/
- Twitter: @braweria
- Github: @Braweria
- LinkedIn: Wiktoria Mielcarek
Give a ⭐️ when you like this theme!
Copyright © 2021 Wiktoria Mielcarek.
This project is MIT licensed.
Spectrum is slowly starting to become a theme liked by many users of Obsidian. Here are some online places, where Spectrum was being mentioned:
- Top 8 Beautiful Obsidian Themes by Filipe Donadio
- Obsidian Roundup 2021-11-13