Build Chromium
This command line interface enables you to build Chromium from source easily.
npm install -g build_chromium
After installing it, run build_chromium --help
without arguments to see list of options.
- Follow offical Chromium Get the code
- Create a bot config file For example to build an Android arm debug build, show debug info.
"target-os": "android",
"target-cpu": "arm",
"gnArgs": {
"is-debug": true,
"is-component": false,
"extra": ""
"logging": {
"level": "debug",
"file": ""
"archive-server": {
"host": "",
"dir": "",
"ssh-user": ""
- Execute below command to run
build_chromium -c .bot_config.json <path_to_src>
$ ./bin/build_chromium --help
Usage: build_chromium [options] <dir>
-V, --version output the version number
-a --action <action> Action (default: all)
-c, --conf <conf> Configuration file (default: .bot_config.json)
-h, --help output usage information
To support to upload via SSH
- On your client, follow Github SSH page to generate SSH keys and add to ssh-agent. (If you've done that, ignore)
- On upload server, config Authorized keys with above client public keys.
Welcome all kinds of contributions including reporting issues, submit pull requests. Just follow pull request with this Github repo.
Coding style
We're following the Google JavaScript coding style in general. And there is pre-commit checking tools/linter.js
to ensure styling before commit code.
This project is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License - see the file for details