
:dart: Game leaderboards, currency log, and player data storage. REST API server in PHP 7.

Primary LanguagePHP

Super Score

Build Status

Game leaderboards, in-game currency logging, and player data storage.

Written by Nathaniel Sabanski.


  • Unlimited score leaderboards with offset querying.
  • In-game currency transaction logging with secure hash system.
  • Storage of miscellaneous User data.
  • Tiny codebase which can be easily added to and security audited.
  • Test suite.


  • PHP 7+ or 5.3+.
  • Apache 2+ (mod_rewrite enabled) or nginx.


  • Redis and APCu may be installed for a high performance tiered cache.
  • PHPUnit may be installed to run the tests.

Installation Notes

  1. Development and production configurations can be set in src/config/Config.php

  2. Set up your database tables using install.sql. You can use mysql -uUser -pPassword -e "create database superscore; use superscore; source install.sql;" or by importing the SQL file manually using any database management software.

  3. If using nginx, enable routing by using a server rule to route to index.php. This is achieved in Apache using mod_rewrite and the .htaccess file.

  4. Remember to switch your Config() from 'development' to 'production' in index.php before going live!


Any error will contain the following JSON response.

{ "Error" : "Reason for failure." }

Current Time

Retrieve the current unix timestamp on this server.

Endpoint http://{hostname}/timestamp
Input None
Output { "Timestamp" : <int> }
File src/Controller/Timestamp.php

Leaderboard Score Recording

Accepts and records scores posted for a User and calculates their current rank in the specified Leaderboard. Returns the User and Leaderboard passed in with the Users highest score for the given Leaderboard.

Endpoint http://{hostname}/score/save
Input { "UserId" : <int>, "LeaderboardId" : <int>, "Score" : <int> }
Output { "UserId" : <int>, "LeaderboardId" : <int>, "Score" : <int>, "Rank" : <int> }
File src/Controller/Score.php

Leaderboard Score Query

Returns a range of entries from the specified Leaderboard in order of rank, along with the score and rank of the specified User. Higher score is better, ranks start at 1.

Endpoint http://{hostname}/score/load
Input { "UserId" : <int>, "LeaderboardId" : <int>, "Offset" : <int>, "Limit" : <int>}
Output { "UserId" : <int>, "LeaderboardId" : <int>, "Score" : <int>, "Rank" : <int>, "Entries" : [ {"UserID" : <int>, "Score" : <int>, "Rank" : <int>}, ... ] }
File src/Controller/Score.php

Game Currency Transaction Recording

Record simple user transactions involving game currency with hash verification. Duplicate transactions will respond with an error.

The Verifier parameter is a SHA-1 hash of the following values concatenated together: SecretKey+TransactionId+UserId+CurrencyAmount

Endpoint http://{hostname}/transaction/save
Input { "TransactionId" : <int>, "UserId" : <int>, "CurrencyAmount" : <int>, "Verifier" : <string> }
Output { "Success" : true }
File src/Controller/Transaction.php

Game Currency Transaction Query

Returns basic details of transactions recorded for the User specified.

Endpoint http://{hostname}/transaction/load
Input { "UserId" : <int> }
Output { "UserId" : <int>, "TransactionCount" : <int>, "CurrencySum" : <int> }
File src/Controller/Transaction.php

User Data Save

Storage for arbitrary JSON data for User. If any key inside storage already exists for the User, the value will be overridden by the passed up value; otherwise the data will be assumed to be unchanged.

Endpoint http://{hostname}/user/save
Input { "UserId" : <int>, "Data" : { <JSON> } }
Output { "Success" : true }
File src/Controller/User.php

User Data Load

Returns an aggregation of all previous data stored for User.

Endpoint http://{hostname}/user/load
Input { "UserId" : <int> }
Output { <JSON> }
File src/Controller/User.php

Using Composer

Install Composer and use:

composer create-project -s dev --prefer-dist gnat/super-score .


This project is licensed under the MIT License. This means you can use and modify it for free in private or commercial projects.