Vinted Clone - Frontend

This project is based on Vinted, an online marketplace for secondhand clothing.

Vinted logo

Frontend (Netlify)
Backend repository (Github)

Screenshot Vinted Homepage

Stack & Features

Website built with React JS using Create React App and deployed on Netlify. The backend is developed with Node JS and the database uses Mongo DB cloud-based solution.

Please note that this project should be viewed on desktop only, it has very basic responsiveness and isn't well suported on mobile devices at the moment.

Main dependencies

  • Axios (API requests)
  • JS Cookie (cookie management)
  • React Router Dom (navigation)
  • React Multi Carousel (carousel for offer pictures)
  • React Range (to sort offers by price range)
  • Material UI (sorting switch for asc/desc prices)
  • Node Sass (scss)
  • Fontawesome (icons)

Main features

Home page

  • Login and sign up button: open a modal (when the user is logged in the login button turns into a logout button)
  • Search bar: look through the database for offer title matching the input
  • Offer list: display the offers matching the filters (by default price are ascending and 25 result are displayed per page)
  • Page navigation (bottom of the page): navigate through pages and define how many offers are displayed per page

Sign up and login

  • Email, username (sign up only) and password are required.
  • Upon submission a cookie with a user token is created. It will be deleted on logout.
  • The password is never saved in the database to ensure maximum security.

Publish page

  • User must be logged in to access the publishing form
  • Required fields: picture, title, description, price.
  • Upon submission the user is redirected to the page of the offer.

Offer page

  • The page displays the offer details.
  • If the offer has several pictures those will be displayed in a carousel.


Homepage with dynamic search filters:

Screenshot Vinted Homepage

Signup modal:

Screenshot Vinted Sign up

Offer page:

Screenshot Vinted Offer

Setup Instructions

Clone this repository :

git clone

Install dependencies with yarn:

yarn install

Once the installation is complete, run it:

yarn start

Status & Backlog

✅ This project is complete and functional.

🛠 However, some improvements have been considered for the future:

  • Responsive design