
Sophie - Implementation of A Distributed MapReduce library

Primary LanguageGo

Sophie - Implementation of A Distributed MapReduce library

This project is inspired by the MIT course 6.824: Distributed Systems and a large portion of the code based on lab assignment.

This library could be used to deploy MapReduce tasks on a cluster with the help of AWS including Amazon EC2 (one instance as a master), Amazon S3 (shared storage), Amazon ECS (one cluster of workers), and Amazon ECR (for storing our worker docker image). Before you begin your trial, you should have a good understanding of all these things above. This library is fault-tolerant to worker failures and can scale to accommodate increasing needs with little overhead cost.

Project Logo: Sophie

Courtesy of my enthusiastic roommate Ligu. Sophie_logo Designed by Ligu


The master should be deployed on an Amazon EC2 instance. The workers should be deployed on an Amazon ECS cluster of docker instances from a worker docker image uploaded. We show you how to use this library and run this project by the classic word count example.

Usage Example

  1. Set up Amazon Credentials in your terminal and sophie/s3.go.
  2. Master: Run command like this in your EC2 instance.
    go run src/main/wc_s3.go master random 3 3
  3. Worker: Use ./Dockerfile to build the worker docker image and pushed to the ECS repository. Please change the corresponding parts to accommodate your specification. Launch a cluste of docker instances and specify your task definition and run your task.
  4. Now your task is running.


  1. Fork it!
  2. Create your feature branch: git checkout -b my-new-feature
  3. Commit your changes: git commit -am 'Add some feature'
  4. Push to the branch: git push origin my-new-feature
  5. Submit a pull request :D

If you have any questions about this project, feel free to contact me.


The MIT License