
🛳️ Manage multiple WordPress instances on a single computer with flexible multi-port configuration.

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🛳️ Manage multiple WordPress instances on a single computer with flexible multi-port configuration.



## Clone this repository to your local machine:
git clone git@github.com:BruceWind/wordpress-multiple-services-in-one.git
## below is example, you can change the target directory name.
cp wordpress-multiple-services-in-on/ wordpress-multiple-services-in-one-service-1/
cp wordpress-multiple-services-in-on/ wordpress-multiple-services-in-one-service-2
#   Navigate to each copied directory:
cd wordpress-multiple-services-in-one-service-1

## use nano or vis to change port mapping.
vi docker-compose.yml
# and then, change 8001:80 to any port you want.

#   Start each service command:
docker-compose up -d

# after that, you can see the service is running. 

It is important to modify the docker-compose.yml file: Adjust the desired HTTP port mapping for each service.

Access each WordPress instance:

Open your web browser and visit http://localhost:{your-port} where is the HTTP port you specified for each WordPress service.

How it works:

After you start a instance of wordpress. You only expose one http port. The DB container doesn't need to expose to a port. This is because Wordpress connect db via internal docker network.

As a result, It is not only isolated, but also safe.

How much memory does it take?

As I tested, it takes 300 to 500MB memory for wordpress + Mysql. It is not a big deal for a modern computer

How to expose these port to public?

As far as I’m concerned, some CDN services, like Cloudflare, provide a service to connect your computer in a LAN to a WAN. Alternatively, you can try other internal network tunneling services.


Contributions are welcome! If you find any issues or would like to add new features, please submit a pull request.