
A WordPress plugin that upgrades your system emails to HTML, with templates, without a UI.

Primary LanguageHTML

Decent Looking Emails

A WordPress plugin that upgrades your system emails to HTML, with templates, without a UI.

It's what I wanted from WP Better Emails and Email Template Designer without all the fancy UI, with modern default templates, and without the bugs. This plugin does not fuck with your the senders' name or email address. You can blindly throw this at a fresh install and know your system emails are now actually decent looking, and not from 1999.


Configuration is not required, but I recommend a logo, logo link and footer.


Default: template-01.html, provided with the plugin.

add_filter( 'dle_template', function ( $template_path ) {
    return '/full/path/to/your/template.html';


Default: No logo.

add_filter( 'dle_logo_url', function ( $logo_url ) {
    return 'https://example.org/path-to-your-logo.png';

Default: No link.

add_filter( 'dle_logo_link', function ( $logo_link ) {
    return 'https://example.org/';


Default: No footer.

add_filter( 'dle_footer_html', function ( $footer_html ) {
    return 'This is an example footer.<br>It takes HTML, so it can span multiple lines.';

Top Image

A full-width image between the logo and the body content.

Default: No image.

add_filter( 'dle_top_image_url', function ( $top_image_url ) {
    return 'https://example.org/path-to-your-image.png';

Bottom Image

A full-width image between the body content and the footer.

Default: No image.

add_filter( 'dle_bottom_image_url', function ( $bottom_image_url ) {
    return 'https://example.org/path-to-your-image.png';