
A WordPress plugin that displays a simple cookie notice.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

We Use Cookies

WordPress cookie notice plugin for developers.


Let's be honest. Is your website really going to get audited?
With this plugin you've got something and no extra headaches.

✔️ Tiny.
✔️ Configured with hooks.
✔️ No added backend menus.
✔️ No added database crap.


  1. Download the ZIP.
  2. Extract the folder to /wp-content/plugins/.


cd /wp-content/plugins/
git clone https://github.com/Brugman/we-use-cookies.git


  1. Download the new ZIP.
  2. Replace the old folder in /wp-content/plugins/.


cd /wp-content/plugins/we-use-cookies/
git pull

Optional configuration

Set cookie notice text

add_filter( 'wuc_message', function ( $message ) {
    return 'Hello world.';

Activate more info link

add_filter( 'wuc_more_info_page_id', function () {
    return 25;

Change the position & size

Positioning: top, bottom, left, center, right.
Size: wide.

add_filter( 'wuc_classes', function ( $classes ) {
    return 'top right wide';

Disable the default CSS

add_filter( 'wuc_css', '__return_false' );


Does this plugin make my site GDPR compliant?

I don't know. Ask your legal advisor.


Found a bug? Anything you would like to ask, add or change? Please open an issue so we can talk about it.

Pull requests are welcome on the develop branch. Please try to match the current code formatting.


Tim Brugman