Quantum Simulator

This project is a state-vector based quantum circuit simulator written in Python and NumPy by Felix Wimbauer for the seminar "Topics of Quantum Computing" at TUM by Prof. Mendl.


The idea behind this simulator is to allow users to compare a naive state-vector simulation approach with an optimized approach that uses smart indexing to apply quantum gates.

Every implemented gate has the following functions:

  • _build_naive_op_mat() Computes the naive operator matrix and stores it. The naive operator matrix can be accessed through the op_mat attribute.
  • apply(st_vec) Applies the gate efficiently on the state-vector and returns the new state-vector.
  • naive_apply(st_vec) Applies the gate naively on the state-vector and returns the new state-vector. If the operator matrix has not been built already the function first calls _build_naive_op_mat().

The following gates are implemented:

  • PauliX, PauliX, PauliX
  • Hadamard
  • PhaseS, Pi8thT
  • RotX, RotY, RotZ
  • CNOT


Gates can be chained together through the circuit class, which applies the apply(st_vec) / naive_apply(st_vec) on all gates sequentially.

A state-vector is always a numpy array of type np.complex_.

The test.py script offers insights on the usage of selected single gates. The benchmark.py script compares the runtime of naive apply vs efficient apply for a circuit, that applies Hadamard for every qubit in a 10-qubit system.


This simulator was inspired by https://github.com/Qaintum/Qaintessent.jl