Flutter: applying constraints and implementing responsive layouts

Take this Flutter courses and:

  • Delimitate the size of widgets with constraints and understand the importance of this
  • Build suitable layouts with correct sizes with Constraints
  • Implement four screens in a practical food delivery project
  • Implement different types of product list
  • Make a responsive app that works in vertical and horizontal directions
  • Capture device size and orientation with Media.Query
  • Understand and use CustomScrollView, Slivers, and classes as Media.Query widgets

🔨 Project: Panucci Ristorante

Flutter: applying constraints and implementing responsive layouts

Animated GIF demonstrating project features Animated GIF demonstrating project features

Certificate: 'https://cursos.alura.com.br/certificate/0bbbf20e-ec36-45ee-9329-cebd738c9d9d'
