Flutter: Applying Data Persistence

Take this Flutter course and:

  • Learn how to make a personal organization application that allows you to save, edit and delete user tasks
  • Know and apply internal persistence, understanding its importance in a project
  • Learn how to implement a database to save information on a mobile device
  • Get to know and use SQFLite, one of the most used databases by the dev community
  • Implement the four CRUD operations in one app: read, create, edit and delete data
  • ractice important Flutter concepts and techniques such as the FutureBuilder widget
  • Find out what packages are, their importance in mobile development and install one of them

Screenshot app:


Certificate: 'https://cursos.alura.com.br/certificate/6c6d2cea-3d57-4905-8296-757e2f77ec3e'
