Flutter: Unit, Widget and Mocks Tests

This Flutter course will teach you how to:

  • Check an unknown code

  • Create Quality mechanisms for your product

  • Formulate tests

  • Use sophisticated widget search methods

  • Create reliability to your code.

🔨 Project: AluraBank

The course project consists of creating several tests in a new project, in order to instruct on the quality of the applications created by the student!

✔️ Techniques and technologies

Take a closer look at what you will learn about: :

  • Unit Test: Test capable of checking small objects.
  • Widget Test: Test capable of checking widgets and their dependencies, with screen construction.
  • test(): method capable of starting a test.
  • expect(): method that compares the test result with the expected.
  • group(): method that groups different tests.
  • pump(): method that awaits micro processes for construction on the screen.
  • Finders: Those with the ability to search and find widgets in an extensive tree being tested..
  • Matchers: Those with the ability to compare a result with that expected;
  • Actions: Activities that o tester can take advantage to ensure the usability of the application.
  • Mock: Those with the ability to imitate a dependency.
  • mockito: Package that allows the creation of stuntmen.

🛠️ Open and run the project

To run this project you need:

📚 More Information

Certificate: 'https://cursos.alura.com.br/certificate/ff552ba3-1a19-41d1-a1c2-b38db30424d8'
