
API to retrieve OpenGraph information from any URL

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

OpenGraph API

This API allow you to quickly retrieve OpenGraph information from any website.


The root path / is the only endpoint of that API. It expects a single query string parameter: url.

GET https://opengraph.lewagon.com/?url=<URL_HERE>

For performance reason, the response is cached for a day. If you want to have real-time cache invalidation, please use the Facebook Debugger.


curl https://opengraph.lewagon.com/?url=https://www.lewagon.com
  "data": {
    "site_name": "Coding Bootcamp Le Wagon | Europe's Best Coding Bootcamp",
    "title": "Coding Bootcamp | Le Wagon",
    "type": "article",
    "url": "https://www.lewagon.com/",
    "image": "https://dwj199mwkel52.cloudfront.net/assets/core/social/home-card-82f54b75841da25d31c2e99d673e68152942dfd3d7275380508a63f0d951b484.jpg",
    "description": "Change your life, learn to code. Le Wagon is ranked as the world's best coding bootcamp and has enabled thousands of people to change their careers."
  "url": "https://www.lewagon.com/"

Response Status Codes

The API will respond with the following HTTP codes:

  • 200: All good, here's your data
  • 422: Missing url in the query string
  • 500: Could not fetch OpenGraph info, check error key in the JSON answer