Personal tests and templates
- Search String in files in PWS:
Get-ChildItem -Recurse -Exclude *.bmp,*.pdf | Select-String "todo" | Select Path, LineNumber, Line
- Get-ChildItem:
-Include *.* -Exclude *.pdf,*.dll
- Select-String:
-Context 1, 2
Also show surrounding lines (Only works without "| Select Path, etc")
- Select-String:
Only show file once, even with multiple matches
| Out-File search_out.txt
divert output to file
| clip.exe
pipe output into clipboard
pwd | Select-Object -ExpandProperty "Path"
get value of an objects property by name
gal -Definition Get-Process
get aliases for commandlet
- Image conversion:
D:\ImageMagick-7.1.0-Q16-HDRI\convert.exe .\mandlebrot.ppm new.png
- Get only+best audio from yt-url:
youtube-dl -x --audio-format mp3 ULR_HERE
- Pack as single exe:
pyinstaller -F
- Requirements w/o virtualenv:
pipreqs ./ --encoding=utf8 --force
- Style- and error-check:
& pylint .\
git remote -v
See all sources
git rm -r --cached <folder>
Remove folder that is are now ignored (remove '-r' for only files)
git log --graph --oneline -n 10
condensed log
git mv .\Implementation\KnownFaces\bruno.bmp .\Implementation\KnownFaces\Bruno.bmp
make git notice the switch to uppercase
- Code block with linting and copy-button
System.out.println("Hello World!");
Expanding List