The purpose of this repo is to share a base setup to run a docerized JanusGraph with a ConfiguredGraphFactory. This will bring up a JanusGraph and a Cassandra instances, setup a template configuration pointing to Cassandra and create a default graph called default_graph
To bring it up run the following commands:
$ docker network create jgTestNetwork
$ docker-compose up -d
To tear it down:
$ docker-compose down
$ docker network rm jgTestNetwork
Once JanusGraph is running you should be able to connect using Gremlin as always and use ConfiguredGraphFactory
to mange your graphs on-runtime.
- Connect to JanusGraph
gremlin> :remote connect tinkerpop.server conf/remote.yaml session
==>Configured localhost/[0cba27bd-3ad3-44ba-9a97-9226f0490d9a]
gremlin> :remote console
==>All scripts will now be sent to Gremlin Server - [localhost/]-[0cba27bd-3ad3-44ba-9a97-9226f0490d9a] - type ':remote console' to return to local mode
- Access the default graph
gremlin> ConfiguredGraphFactory.getGraphNames()
gremlin> default_graph_traversal.V().valueMap()
gremlin> default_graph_traversal.addV("Person").property("name","Dona").next()
gremlin> default_graph_traversal.V().valueMap()
- Create a new graph configuration
gremlin> map = [:]
gremlin> map.put("storage.backend", "inmemory")
gremlin> map.put("graph.graphname", "volatile_graph")
gremlin> ConfiguredGraphFactory.createConfiguration(new MapConfiguration(map))
gremlin> ConfiguredGraphFactory.getGraphNames()
gremlin> graph ="volatile_graph")