Implementation / replication of DALL-E, OpenAI's Text to Image Transformer, in Pytorch. It will also contain CLIP for ranking the generations.
Sid, Ben, and Aran over at Eleuther AI are working on DALL-E for Mesh Tensorflow! Please lend them a hand if you would like to see DALL-E trained on TPUs.
$ pip install dalle-pytorch
Train VAE
import torch
from dalle_pytorch import DiscreteVAE
vae = DiscreteVAE(
image_size = 256,
num_layers = 3, # number of downsamples - ex. 256 / (2 ** 3) = (32 x 32 feature map)
num_resnet_blocks = 1, # number of residual blocks at each layer
num_tokens = 1024, # number of visual tokens. iGPT had 512, so probably should have more
codebook_dim = 512, # codebook dimension
hidden_dim = 64, # hidden dimension
temperature = 0.9 # gumbel softmax temperature, the lower this is, the more hard the discretization
images = torch.randn(4, 3, 256, 256)
loss = vae(images, return_recon_loss = True)
# train with a lot of data to learn a good codebook
Train DALL-E with pretrained VAE from above
import torch
from dalle_pytorch import DiscreteVAE, DALLE
vae = DiscreteVAE(
image_size = 256,
num_layers = 3,
num_resnet_blocks = 1,
num_tokens = 1024,
codebook_dim = 512,
hidden_dim = 64,
temperature = 0.9
dalle = DALLE(
dim = 512,
vae = vae, # automatically infer (1) image sequence length and (2) number of image tokens
num_text_tokens = 10000, # vocab size for text
text_seq_len = 256, # text sequence length
depth = 6, # should be 64
heads = 8, # attention heads
dim_head = 64, # attention head dimension
attn_dropout = 0.1, # attention dropout
ff_dropout = 0.1 # feedforward dropout
text = torch.randint(0, 10000, (4, 256))
images = torch.randn(4, 3, 256, 256)
mask = torch.ones_like(text).bool()
loss = dalle(text, images, mask = mask, return_loss = True)
# do the above for a long time with a lot of data ... then
images = dalle.generate_images(text, mask = mask)
images.shape # (2, 3, 256, 256)
Train CLIP
import torch
from dalle_pytorch import CLIP
clip = CLIP(
dim_text = 512,
dim_image = 512,
dim_latent = 512,
num_text_tokens = 10000,
text_enc_depth = 6,
text_seq_len = 256,
text_heads = 8,
num_visual_tokens = 512,
visual_enc_depth = 6,
visual_image_size = 256,
visual_patch_size = 32,
visual_heads = 8
text = torch.randint(0, 10000, (4, 256))
images = torch.randn(4, 3, 256, 256)
mask = torch.ones_like(text).bool()
loss = clip(text, images, text_mask = mask, return_loss = True)
To get the similarity scores from your trained Clipper, just do
images, scores = dalle.generate_images(text, mask = mask, clip = clip)
scores.shape # (2,)
images.shape # (2, 3, 256, 256)
# do your topk here, in paper they sampled 512 and chose top 32
Or you can just use the official CLIP model to rank the images from DALL-E
In the blog post, they used 64 layers to achieve their results. I added reversible networks, from the Reformer paper, in order for users to attempt to scale depth at the cost of compute. Reversible networks allow you to scale to any depth at no memory cost, but a little over 2x compute cost (each layer is rerun on the backward pass).
Simply set the reversible
keyword to True
for the DALLE
dalle = DALLE(
dim = 512,
vae = vae,
num_text_tokens = 10000,
text_seq_len = 256,
depth = 64,
heads = 8,
reversible = True # <-- reversible networks
title = {DALL·E: Creating Images from Text},
author = {Aditya Ramesh, Mikhail Pavlov, Gabriel Goh, Scott Gray},
year = {2021}
title = {CLIP: Connecting Text and Images},
author = {Alec Radford, Ilya Sutskever, Jong Wook Kim, Gretchen Krueger, Sandhini Agarwal},
year = {2021}
title = {Reformer: The Efficient Transformer},
author = {Nikita Kitaev and Łukasz Kaiser and Anselm Levskaya},
year = {2020},
eprint = {2001.04451},
archivePrefix = {arXiv},
primaryClass = {cs.LG}
Those who do not want to imitate anything, produce nothing. - Dali