Codeship Status for maestrano/connector-salesforce

SalesForce Connector

The aim of this connector is to implement data sharing between Connec! and SalesForce


Configure your SalesForce application. To create a new SalesForce application:

Access Maestrano Developer Platform and create a sandbox application

Create a new app

Edit the configuration file config/application-sample.yml with the correct credentials (both Salesforce's and Maestrano's Developer Platform ones).

encryption_key1: ''
encryption_key2: ''

salesforce_client_id: 'your_salesforce_id'
salesforce_client_secret: 'your_salesforce_secret'

REDIS_URL: redis://localhost:6379/0/connector-salesforce

MNO_DEVPL_API_PATH: /api/config/v1/marketplaces
MNO_DEVPL_ENV_NAME: salesforce-uat
MNO_DEVPL_ENV_KEY: 'your_local_env_key'
MNO_DEVPL_ENV_SECRET: 'your_local_env_secret'

Run the connector locally against the Maestrano UAT environment

Run the connector

First time setup

# Install bundler and update your gemset
gem install ruby-2.3.1
gem install bundler

Start the application

bin/rails s puma -p 3001