- Supports multiple tablet models
- Precise cursor positioning
- Full pressure sensitivity
- Both stylus buttons
- Compatible with multi-monitor setups
- Customizable buttons and scrollbar shortcuts
- Multiple sets of shortcuts
- Optional desktop notifications
- Versatile configuration file
- Follow the requirements: Install the dependencies and the xorg extra code.
- Download this repository (You only need
). - Edit
to match your tablet, multi-monitor setup and desired shortcuts. - Run
sudo ./huion-tablet-driver.py
(needs superuser privileges)
python version 3.5 or greater
# Installation from source: install dependencies, clone, compile & install $ sudo apt install make automake gcc pkg-config libusb-1.0-0-dev # For ubuntu git clone https://github.com/DIGImend/uclogic-tools cd uclogic-tools autoreconf -i -f && ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/ && make sudo make install
xdotool (optional, for button shorcuts)
notify-send (optional, for desktop notifications)
Install packages in Archlinux:
$ pacman -S xorg-xinput xf86-input-evdev python-evdev python-pyusb xdotool \
libnotify xorg-xrandr arandr python-numexpr
Install packages in Ubuntu:
$ sudo apt install xinput xserver-xorg-input-evdev python3-evdev python3-usb \
xdotool libnotify-bin arandr python3-numexpr
You will likely also need to add some code to the Xorg server.
Create a new file in /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/evdev-tablet.conf
with the following content:
Section "InputClass"
Identifier "evdev tablet catchall"
MatchIsTablet "on"
MatchDevicePath "/dev/input/event*"
Driver "evdev"
If you have a multi-monitor setup, edit your copy of config.ini
with the correct values for your particular setup.
# Multi Monitor Configuration
enable_multi_monitor = true
enable_xrandr = false
current_monitor_setup = [monitor_3]
You'll have to customize your current monitor setup, by modifying one of the
existing examples in the section 3 of the config.ini
More information about multiple monitors in the wiki
To customize the shortcuts associated with the buttons and the scrollbar,
edit the file config.ini
, and use the xdotool syntax for the buttons actions.
First, assign the menu you're going to use as the starting menu.
start_menu = [menu_simple]
# upper buttons
b0 = key Tab # hide interface
b1 = key r # rect select (gimp) & pick layer (krita)
b2 = key ctrl+x # cut
b3 = key ctrl+c # copy
b4 = key ctrl+v # paste
# scrollbar
su = click 4 # mouse wheel up
sd = click 5 # mouse wheel down
# lower buttons
b5 = key ctrl+z # undo
b6 = key ctrl+y # redo (gimp)
b7 = key ctrl+shift+z # redo (krita)
b8 = key 4 # turn left (krita)
b9 = key 6 # turn right (krita)