
we will create our own c language printf function with similar features to the real one

Primary LanguageC

Proyet our own printf in C


  1. Bruno Guerra
  2. Edgar Condo


this function allows us print a type of date in a string give us


int _printf(const char *format, ...);


A format specifier follows this prototype: %type The following format specifiers are supported:

Supported Types

Type Output
d or i Signed decimal integer
u Unsigned decimal integer
b Unsigned binary
o Unsigned octal
x Unsigned hexadecimal integer (lowercase)
X Unsigned hexadecimal integer (uppercase)
c Single character
s String of characters
p Pointer address
% A % followed by another % character will write a single %

Value Returns

  • if format is NULL = (-1)
  • if format is '\0' = (0)
  • else lenght of the string