
We going to create a UNIX command interpreter.

Primary LanguageC

C - Simple Shell Project.

This repository contains our own simple version of the shell which is a simple UNIX shell based on bash and Sh. This command line interpreter emulator is written in C language.


it is an application that emulates a shell in mode interactive. this emulator is a sh compatible command language interpreter that executes commands read from standard input.

Files of this repository

File Description
man_1_simple_shell It is the manual for using the shell. Contains a description, ways for invocation, and some examples of builtins and executables that can be used inside the command line interpreter.
shell.c It contains the entry point of the program, where the execution begins. It shows the prompt and receives the characters written in the command line.
main.h It is a header file that contains all the c libraries needed for the program, the description and prototypes of all the functions, structures, builtins,and printing functions.
handler.c It compare the command with a list of builtins, and if there is a match, It calls the associated builtin.
tokenize.c Save the separate string. it was separated using a delimiter designed to analyze them later.
_exit.c allows the end of the program in a controlled way, controller output.


Usage: hsh hsh is started with the standard input connected to the terminal. To start, compile all .c located in this repository by using this command:

gcc -Wall -Werror -Wextra -pedantic *.c -o hsh

hsh is allowed to be invoked interactively and non-interactively.

When hsh is invoked with standard input connected to a terminal (determined by isatty(3), the interactive mode is opened.

Example to use it

Usage: hsh

simple_shell$ ./hsh

linux~$ ls
README.md shell.c main.h tokens.c ...

linux~$ exit


$ ./hsh
linux~$ pwd


While running in interactive mode, hsh ignores the keyboard input ctrl+c. Alternatively, an input of End-Of-File ctrl+d will exit the program.

User hits ctrl+d in the foutrh command.

$ ./hsh
linux~$ ^C
linux~$ ^C

If hsh is invoked with standard input not connected to a terminal, it reads and executes received commands in order. (non-interactively).

Example to use it

$ cat myfile
echo 'hello holberton'
$ ./hsh myfile
$ echo "echo $?" | ./hsh


Upon invocation, hsh receives and copies the environment of the parent process in which it was executed. This environment is an array of name-value strings describing variables in the format NAME=VALUE. A few key environmental variables are:


The home directory of the current user and the default directory argument for the cd builtin command.

$ echo "echo $HOME" | ./hsh


The current working directory as set by the cd command.

$ echo "echo $PWD" | ./hsh

List of comands you can use

Commands Description
ls ls (from list), allows you to list the contents of a directory or file.
pwd Pwd (from print working directory) is a convenient command that prints our path or location when executed, so we avoid getting lost if we are working with multiple directories and folders.
touch touch creates an empty file, if the file exists it updates the modification time.
rm rm (from remove) is the command needed to delete a file or directory.
mkdir mkdir (from make directory) creates a new directory taking into account the current location.
cp cp (from copy) copies a source file or directory to a target fileor directory.
rmdir rmdir (from ReMove DIRectory) This command is used to delete empty directories or subdirectories.
cd cd (from change directory) you will need this command to access a path other than the one you are in. basically it is for navigating from directory to directory.
exit exits the current shell. 0 status value indicates successful execution, another value represents unsuccessful execution.
cat cat (from concatenate), is a wonderful utility that allows us to visualize the content of a text file in the standard output, without the need of an editor.


  • Bruno G.: GitHub
  • Rogelio : [Not Found] (#)