- 0
#52 opened by zhuzilyy - 0
- 1
Where do you add and remove card widgets ?
#16 opened by aljibbs - 0
Card not above all widgets when swipe to right
#49 opened by mgaucher - 0
reverse swipe animation #feature
#47 opened by lalitjarwal - 0
- 0
Up/Down detection
#44 opened by officialasit - 0
tcard is not resetting for the first time, getting null in tcardController.state
#43 opened by subhangiP - 0
Front card index
#42 opened by MadhuraJoshi1 - 0
#39 opened by git-boya - 4
- 0
请问滑动到最后一张的时候 怎么禁止滑动呢
#38 opened by desire0420 - 0
Remove the margin around the card
#32 opened by shettayyy - 1
How to reset cards on data change
#33 opened by irangareddy - 5
- 2
- 1
- 4
- 4
disable swiping
#10 opened by aligurelli - 2
- 2
Like and dislike?
#5 opened by iKreateCode - 4
#3 opened by leszekkrol - 1
- 2
- 1
- 0
- 1
- 6
当子组件是 StatefulWidget时 滑动时 第一张会自动弹回来
#12 opened by yuantanglong - 0
For last card onForward: The following RangeError was thrown while notifying status listeners for AnimationController:
#25 opened by nikitiser - 0
- 1
- 1
向左滑动,点击回退按钮后,从左回退,然后相同的再向右滑动, 回退依旧是从左回退。
#19 opened by kaiqiangzhao - 2
- 1
Can i put buttons in Card?
#17 opened by vitorestevam - 6
Widget Sizes
#15 opened by aljibbs - 9
#8 opened by bobby-walle - 4
Gesture Detection
#2 opened by yushinzm - 4
Detect direction of swipe?
#4 opened by Pebsie - 1