This library was created with the purpose of creating a simple networking layer with a easy integration with iOS App Extensions. Although there's a lot of networking managers, this class may be an opportunity to create new and custom libraries.
- iOS 8.0+
- Xcode 9.0+
- Swift 4.0+
CocoaPods is a dependency manager for Cocoa projects. You can install it by following this guide.
# Add the instruction below inside your targets on your Podfile.
pod 'NetworkingKit'
After saving the file, please run the command pod install
to download and integrate the framework into your project.
Carthage is a decentralized dependency manager that builds your dependencies and provides you with binary frameworks.You can install it by following this guide.
# Add the instruction below inside your Cartfile.
github "BrunoMiguens/NetworkingKit"
After saving the file, please run the command carthage update
to download and build the framework, after finish, copy the NetworkingKit.framework
into your project.
This framework is somehow inspired on Moya (combined with Alamofire), please check those project due to the fact they're stable, having a huge community behind and they deserve the credit.
We'll start by creating a class
or enum
(enumerators are normally better for this cases due to how versatile they're) to generate the routing of our API:
enum ApiService {
case login(email: String, password: String)
case fetchArticles(query: String, page: Int?)
// Continue by adding as many cases as you want.
Is mandatory that your ApiService
conforms to the protocol NetworkingTarget
in order to be used by the NetworkingKit
extension ApiService: NetworkingTarget {
// The base URL of your API goes here.
var baseUrl: String {
return ""
// Use this property to add specific endpoints depending on the service that you want (you can omit the parameters you don't need them)
var endpoint: String {
switch value:
case login: return "/login"
case fetchArticles: return "/fetch"
// The HTTP method for each case (get, post, put or delete).
var method: NetworkingMethod {
switch value:
case login: return .post
case fetchArticles: return .get
// Use the parameters of each case to construct the dictionary for your HTTP request (NKStringDictionary is a type alias for [String: Any]).
var parameters: NKStringDictionary {
switch value:
case login(let email, let password):
return ["email": email, "password": password]
case fetchArticles(let query, let page):
if let newPage = page {
return ["query": query, "page": newPage]
return ["query": query]
// Sometimes your API may need to encode some parameter, especially if is a get request, for instance, "search[query]=something" in this case the brackets need to be encoded.
var encodeParameters: Bool {
return true
// By requesting something using `NetworkingKit` and giving the parameter `runningTests: true`, the library will return and parse the `sampleData` property, if exists, that way you avoid using the internet and a real API for your Unit/UI tests.
var sampleData: Any? {
switch value:
case login: return ["test": 123]
// By returning nil the library will ignore your choice and make the HTTP request.
case fetchArticles: return nil
Now the only thing you need to do is perform your requests using the Networking
let login = ApiService.login(email: "", password: "12345")
Networking.perform(for: login) { result in
// Check the `NKResult` to understand the type of property that `result` represents.
if let value = result.value, result.isSuccess {
// Your code
Use the statement Networking.perform(for: login, runningTests: true)
, when you do your request, to tell the networking to fetch for the sampleData
property , if is not nil
You may want to add custom headers to your requests, to do that you can use the NetworkingHeaderDictionary
(aka [NetworkingHeader: String]
) as a parameter.
let custom: NetworkingHeaderDictionary = [.custom(key: "your-header-key"): "abc123"]
Networking.perform(for: login, headers: custom) { result in
// Your code
Feel free to contribute, give feedback or whatever you feel that you need to share.
NetworkingKit is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.