
TypeScript template repository with typescript-eslint (airbnb config) and ts-node-dev + Dockerfile / GitHub Workflow

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TypeScript template repository with typescript-eslint (airbnb config) and ts-node-dev.

Dependabot keeps the dependencies up to date.

  • Build tool: yarn (can be replaced with npm: rm yarn.lock && npm install)
  • Target Node version: 18.x (es2023)
  • Structure: src/ for TypeScript source files and build/ for output
  • Also includes a default .editorconfig with 2-space indents


  • yarn dev run from source, auto-restarting
  • yarn lint run eslint
  • yarn lint --fix run eslint with auto-formatting
  • yarn build build to JS
  • yarn start run built JS
  • yarn test currently does nothing

additional setup

ℹ️ This SSH setup is required so that checks can run on dependency PRs. Other pushes by a GitHub Actions token do not trigger workflows.

For the dependency update workflow to work, you must setup a Deploy Key.

  • Create an SSH key for the dependency update workflow:
    • To generate a key pair, use ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C "actions@github.com"
    • Copy the public key (starts with ssh-ed25519 AAAA...) and add it as a new deploy key (https://github.com/<your-org>/<your-repo>/settings/keys/new). Make sure to tick "Allow write access", as the workflow needs to push a new branch with the updates.
    • Copy the private key (starts with -----BEGIN OPENSSH PRIVATE KEY-----) and save it as a new secret (https://github.com/<your-org>/<your-repo>/settings/secrets/actions/new) called ACTIONS_DEPLOY_KEY
    • 🚨 Make sure to delete the keys from your local machine once done

use with react

diff --git a/.eslintrc b/.eslintrc
index e755856..bbaeee5 100644
--- a/.eslintrc
+++ b/.eslintrc
@@ -1,3 +1,6 @@
-  "extends": ["./node_modules/@nihalgonsalves/esconfig/.eslintrc"]
+  "extends": [
+    "./node_modules/@nihalgonsalves/esconfig/.eslintrc",
+    "./node_modules/@nihalgonsalves/esconfig/.eslintrc.react"
+  ]