This project will help you get better results at '¿Como venimos?' type questions from your boss or project manager.

Right now this project is using the following tech: React Typescript Material UI Axios React Query SCSS Zustand

This project will serve as a base for any and all CRUD Dashboard frontend applications aswell as being the scaffolding for a CLI Tool that will create:

This tool will need these arguments: { singularName PluralName ModuleTemplateSourceCode ThisStarterProjectSourceCode }

And will output:

--Module: -A folder inside './src/pages' called $singularName -A components directory -$singularNameModal.tsx -A main $singularName.tsx file

  -A file inside './src/services/api' called $singularName.ts 

  -An empty type interface at './src/interfaces/index.ts'

  -A basic store in a file './src/store/$singularName.ts' with get, set, and a couple of actions using Zustand