If you ever struggled when learning a new musical instrument, then maybe rhythm is one point to consider. That's the main porpouse of my app: Help people to learn rhythm. In the app there is a basic drum beat, used in tons of famous songs, that I broke down into 4 simple lessons. At the end of the book you are able to play the whole beat along with a custom song I created for the app using Garage Band. Youtube demo.
I really love music. I can play many different musical instruments. But I am not so good at teaching. Once I tried to teach my cousin guitar, and we failed as he was not so good with rhythm plus my lack of teaching skills💩.
Using Garage Band I was able to create the notes for each drum instrument and also the song played in the last lesson. I used Sketch to create the art of the project.
The app is called DuBeat and it is available on the App Store
You can change the tempo (how fast you are supposed to play) with the following:
metronome.setTempo funcion
-> Playground BookTempo on lesson menu
-> App
- Create more lessons so you can be the best!😎
- Upload more songs to the app so you can have more fun with your new skills